A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away…
Oh very young! [ba-youtubeflex videoid=”471mwA89Cig&feature=g-upl”]
Living in a box…
This is Zaphod. He’s 10. I took delivery of a new bag. It was in a box. As soon as I took it out of the box and put the box down, Zaphod made himself at home! Still got the box. All the cats take it in turn to sleep in there.
Stelio and Mary’s Wedding


Last Friday, we took our Aunty Maroulla and Uncle from Australia to Southend to see an English seaside and have some fish and chips! Southend was much the same as always, with the boy (and girl) racers going up and down the seafront with their car hi-fis blaring. Can’t call them stereos any more. They’re […]